There are many ways in which a business organization can be formed. It can be a sole proprietorship, partnership, publicly traded, etc. One such type of business organization is Master Limited Partnership (MLP). A MLP is a type of business organization which exists in the form of publicly traded limited partnership. In such type of organization, there are two classes of partners, namely, limited and general partners. Limited partnersare those who simply invest in the organization and provide the capital in exchange of a return whereas general partners are responsible for the day to day operations and receive compensation based on the performance. MLPs are commonly present in the energy industry and even have indices based on their market, for Alerian MLP Index is the leading gauge of energy MLPs.
There are many investors who invest in MLP. MLP investing has its own benefits. Some of them include-
Thus, MLPs are one of the attractive investment options available to an investor. Of course, like any other investment class, even MLPs have their share of risk. Therefore, it is highly important that an investor does a proper analysis of the MLP organization before investing.