LP (Limited Partnership) is a publicly traded limited partnership, this trust offer the Unit holder or the share holder which gives a guarantee of the stake or income in the partnership company. The partnership units are usually very beneficial because of the master limited partnership. Many investors are very keen into all this MLP investing is highly recommended in the long run because of its benefits.
The type of businesses that are usually benefited from this Alerian MLP
The main advantage that and LP gets is tax benefits, as the business itself pays no tax and the tax is directly paid by the partners on their individual income basis. Though to avail these benefits the partnership business has to be registered.
Limited partnership business is very beneficial in long run, with all the tax benefits you get and the type of businesses you can indulge in, you cannot only make a good amount of profit but also end up making huge amount of savings on your taxes.The above mentioned businesses are carried on by many following this pattern of business and they all are like the need of the hour. If you are starting to plan your business I will suggest you to let it be in this format only.
Source : http://nglenergypartner.tumblr.com/post/157516222041/what-is-lp-and-whom-does-it-benefit